Serving personal injury patients is highly rewarding.
And it’s easier than you think.
personal injury cases involving motor vehicle accidents annually
Each year, more than 45 million Americans are injured in accidents and require medical attention. Receiving timely treatment is critical to their recovery, yet they often face unfair barriers to care, whether they are represented by a law firm or not.
MoveDocs partners with you to address this large and underserved patient population:
We help law firms and their plaintiffs find you.
We remove the financial risk. Receive fast, consistent cash flow from our funding partners.
We eliminate the hassles of paperwork and tracking unique to personal injury.
No attorney? No problem. 80% of people who are injured in an accident and require medical care never get a lawyer, and serving them can be complicated and risky. No anymore! SyndeoCare, powered by MoveDocs, provides the guidance, support, and financing these patients need, which allows you to focus on the care.
For the past 20+ years, we’ve helped 30,000+ attorneys and 500,000 plaintiffs connect to the medical care and funding they need – more than $925 million in plaintiff medical. Find out how MoveDocs can give your practice new opportunities for growth, financial independence, and the ability to deliver much-needed care.
MoveDocs is the unique breakthrough platform for providers who want to serve personal injury patients.
Our interactive map allows law firms and plaintiffs to easily find you and schedule appointments with the click of a button.
Our “drag and drop” system allows for bills and records to be uploaded with ease, eliminating countless calls, emails, and faxes.
Your patients’ appointments, bills, records, and more are directly shared with the firms and can even integrate with their case management software.
After the patients has recovered, we service the account, eliminating the endless calls and status updates you endure to secure the payment.
Connect to Funding Partners that will provide immediate, guaranteed payments – via the purchase or advance of receivables. Or outsource the servicing of your liens for a fee, allowing you to focus on the relationships.
Get faster access to payouts for more predictable and consistent cash flow.
Minimize the frustration of negotiating with law firms and dealing with the endless stress of collections.
Assist injured patients who are unrepresented without the risk and hassle of insurers disputing responsibility.
MoveDocs can help you open the door to a sizable new stream of personal injury patients and turn them into a rewarding, low-stress patient population – with fast, guaranteed payments for more predictable and consistent cash flow.
Like many doctors, we were beyond frustrated with the complex payor system. So in 2023 we created MoveDocs: a care connection, communication, and funding platform that enables medical practices to better serve and support personal injury patients. Today, we’re proud that our industry-leading platform and team are helping thousands of medical practices stabilize, grow and focus on what they do best: helping people heal.